Ray Roseberry Full Stream

1 year ago

Do you remember Ray Roseberry? Roseberry was arrested on Aug. 19, 2021, following an hours-long standoff outside the Library of Congress in which he made threats to set off bombs in the capitol. (https://archive.is/w6hpc)

He was all over the news as a "cRazY tRuMp CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSt." (https://archive.is/n9xaW)

At one point he was facing up to life in prison.

In September of this year, over two years later, he was ultimately sentenced to five years of probation. (https://archive.is/B0Roj)

The video he streamed to FB Live is hard to find, but I have a copy, if you'd like one for your own archives/files.

Note: I apologize for the gigantic QR code on the video. At the time, I used a video ripping software that put the QR on it unless you paid for it, which I did not. :P

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