U.S. Has Yet To Take Action To Eliminate Illegal Military Infrastructures in the South China Sea

6 months ago

12/11/2023 Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast: CCP's illegal military infrastructures in the South China Sea are not only targeting Taiwan but also threatening the United States and the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region. However, the United States has yet to take strong action to eliminate these illegal military infrastructures in the South China Sea. We should pay close attention to the movement of the USS Ronald Reagan and what other strategies the U.S. Navy might employ in response to the current conflict in the South China Sea.
12/11/2023 小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:中共在南中国海的非法军事基地不仅主要针对台湾,也威胁到美国及亚太地区的和平稳定。但是,美国尚未采取强有力的行动来清除南中国海的非法军事设施。我们应该高度关注罗纳德·里根号航母的动向,以及美国海军可能会采取其他哪些策略,以应对目前在南中国海发生的冲突。

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