Do I Have A Good Nursing Home Injury Case? [Call 312-500-4500]

11 months ago

Do I Have A Good Nursing Home Case?
Chicago nursing home lawyer

In this video, Chicago nursing home injury lawyer Scott DeSalvo talks about how you can know whether you have a strong nursing home injury case, or whether you are in for a tough road if you or a loved one has been injured and abused by a nursing home.

Here are three of the most important things to look for.

First, nursing home injury lawyers look for more serious injuries. This is a matter of simple economics. Nursing home injury cases usually require 2 ormolu expert witnesses, and that get real expensive. Lawyers who look at these cases want to know that any potential verdict will be enough to fairly compensate the family and the injured person even after case costs are taken into account.

Second, does the nursing home abuse and neglect have a clear pattern with your loved one or generally at this nursing home? If so, this makes it a lot easier to expose them for their misdeeds.

Third, did you know that the Illinois Department of Public Health investigates abuse and neglect? If they create an investigation report, that can be a roadmap to any nursing home case. Even if they do not penalize the nursing home, it is a key piece of the puzzle because those reports can reveal the shortcomings and rules that were broken.

These nursing home cases are so complex that in my opinion, EVERYONE with concerns should speak with a lawyer. That’s why free consultations exist.

I hope this information helps, but if you still have questions, I offer a FREE DVD and book that explains your rights. You can get it by calling 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318) and asking for "the free DVD" and we will mail it out to you.

Or, you can go to to fill out a form and we will send it to you. Same deal, free and no obligation.

Or you can visit my website for more information here:

Thanks for watching and good luck!

Scott D. DeSalvo
The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo
Chicago Nursing Home Lawyer
Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Call for a free consultation -- any time, night or day --- FOR FREE -- by calling me at 312-500-4500.

(Free call 24/7/365, 312-500-4500)

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