Why did PAG give 30 billion yuan to Wang Jianlin for free?

7 months ago

12/12/2023 Why did PAG give 30 billion yuan to Wang Jianlin for free? A netizen called "Caijing Zhenxiang" pointed out in his video that one of the reasons is that Wang Jianlin helped PAG take over assets related to Mr. Miles Guo in Communist China—Yuda Palace Hotel. This move can avoid making PAG's actions in seizing these assets too blatant and obvious.
#Wanda #WangJianlin #PAG #WeijianShan #MilesGuo
12/12/2023 太平联盟(PAG)为何白送300亿元给王健林?网友“财经真相”在他的视频中指出,原因之一是因为王健林替PAG接管了在国内与郭文贵先生有关的资产--裕达国贸,从而避免让PAG抢夺这些资产的行径显得过于明目张胆。
#万达 #王健林 #太平联盟 #单伟建 #郭文贵

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