@4:03-my experience of becoming reborn (of the Spirit of our Creator)

1 year ago

How would plants, animals, and humans self-invent PERFECTLY COMPATIBLE male/female reproductive systems?! Humans were created with large stature and high intellect; it's YOUR CHOICE to believe or not (keep in mind: The Liar has used the mind of humans to deceive other humans for some 6000 years).

Our Heavenly Father CANNOT override one's freedom of choice to come to belief (that we're NOT randomly floating in space on a giant rock, and that this life IS the ultimate test/training of humans' freedom of choice, to come to belief, seek relationship, and earn Ranks in the Heavens, for ETERNITY, folks (eternal bliss and ecstasy!!)
Very important starter article of Father Yah's restored Truths:

How this physical life/Universe came about:

Valid prayers to seek relationship with Yah (He can hear/read ALL minds, and He desires for you to learn to hear His still small voice)
- www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/important-prayers
- www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/most-important-prayers

Prayers for those on their death bed, conscious/unconscious:

Spiritual cleansing to become Anointed of the Spirit of our Creator/reborn:

Father Yah's Turnaround Spokesmen{Prophets} and Emissaries{Apostles} that were set out to restore His Truths:

Different Ranks in the Heavens, based upon relationship/service to the Most High during time on earth:

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