FBI, DHS warn of ‘threats to public safety’ during holiday season

7 months ago

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have issued warnings about increased threats to public safety during this holiday season and throughout winter, linked to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The FBI says it is “closely monitoring threats to public safety during the holiday season which may be amplified” by the war.

“We take all potential threats seriously and will work closely with our law enforcement partners to determine their credibility, share information, and take appropriate investigative action,” the bureau says in a PSA.

Per an assessment from the FBI and DHS, ongoing tensions related to the conflict between Israel and Hamas “likely heighten the threat of lone actor violence targeting large public gatherings throughout the winter, including holiday-related, faith-based, New Year’s Eve, and First Amendment protected events related to the conflict,” Fox News reported.

READ MORE: https://www.foxnews.com/us/fbi-dhs-warn-threats-public-safety-holiday-season-amplified-israel-hamas-conflict

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