Impeachment Investigation Done Right!

7 months ago

Impeachment Investigation Done Right!

The moment Trump got into office WaPo said the impeachment starts today. Then, as now, the entire focus of the democrat party has been about keeping him out of office and off of the ballot. They ran on impeaching him and then after he was gone they impeached him illegally again. That’s not even a thing legally speaking. It was just a Pelosi tantrum. Now we have DA’s that ran on screwing Trump in court to keep him off of the ballot or choke his businesses down. They have noting positive to offer. They’re really just a bunch of ass hats with nothing intelligent to do. They make all kinds of promises and it’s always the same ones. Doesn’t anyone on the left pay attention to anything? How do they keep getting voted back in. I think we know the true answer to that one.

Here is the script I made for this video. This was the first really hard one I did and I usually don’t have much time to take a video to this level, the sound was a little heavy in a few places and although I can hear it, not everyone else can. I had a lot of fun writing this so here it is.

Granddaughter: How did it come to all of ths grandpa?

Grandpa: The greatest victory of all for evil was the battle unrecognized. The principality of lies mocked even it’s own existence. What began as a whisper ended in a crescendo of unwitting silence. Lurking in the shadows of obscurity once again it renewed it’s conquest. Because a good job required a college degree, the next wave waited patiently for the sign. Finally Antonio Gramscii’s long march on our institutions began. In the aftermath there were many false eruditions by smaller minds caught up in personalities rather than driving historical forces and patterns. They argued it wasn’t Gramscii but possibly Hegel or others. Those who wanted to deceive parroted their words. What they missed was the creeping change from education to indoctrination. As a diversion the information highway or internet entered the public domain. Social networks became divisive wedges in families no matter where you went in there you found predatory personalities trying to find a spouse and they didn’t care who’s it was. Psychotics formed cults to spread lies simply because they enjoyed the power to create mayhem. The misfits united becoming the Sowers of chaos, division and eroticism. The prince of lies tested the waters. The coveted Nobel prize was given to someone who was but a facade. The response to this travesty was crushed as hateful. Darkness crept forward unnoticed, tendrils gaining purchase on levers of power, slowly consolidating it’s gain. Eleven years later a young scientist discovered a bacteria that can reduce plastic to a harmless mush and was overlooked as a recipient for the Nobel prize for a young boat girl pontificating about the environment while her handlers blew several lifetime of carbon allotments each just to assist her. It too was a lie. Again the angry reaction was crushed as hateful. It was time. The forces of chaos clawed wildly at our minds from all angles, whirlwinds of fear whipping many into a frenzy. Plastic straws were killing the Earth. The most insignificant plastic waste product had become the most offensive. Terror to the neurotic. Hollywood hungering this insignificant piece of plastic was awash in clandestine straws in moments. No one was surprised when the strawman scandal broke out at the well head of the initial straw shaming. Making the last big scandal, the she too movement look like a game of tiddly winks. The Earth was dying evidenced by annual bee death statistics. When the number dropped everyone cheered unaware that bees only live for ninety days. So more bees dying is an indicator of the true strength and number of bee hives. Never before had a supposedly sentient species been so neurotic or over informed on lies that they’d throw all of their efforts into eradicating the very thing their physical existence life is based on. Carbon.
Children went to college as young men and women and other than angry, not sure what they were when they came out.
The forces of darkness in power now, looked down upon their work and saw it was good.
And cackled.
Granddaughter: Oh okay. But what’s this strange writing here?

Grandpa: Oh that. That’s the language you’re speaking, but it’s cursive writing. And that’s the best work the enemy ever did. They’re now free to tell anybody anything about what our founding documents such as the constitution say. There’s room for more phoney professors. People see this and they’ll think they’re looking and Elven runes. Cursive isn’t dead or forgotten so much as murdered by sloth and disinterest. There was a token debate on the subject, but everyone just used computers so it just died, eroding away like our spines. Cursive faded from our minds while schools while computer users switched to bold block print because small screens ruined their eyesight. When they quit talking and just started sending texts it happened. The last link to deciphering cursive letters was the lower case, which became irrelevant and that’s because everyone was just shouting.

It was a Professorial Ides of March and celebration of that I have a message to all who took part in this intellectual coup against the shining city on the hill. Excuse me young lady.

Granddaughter: Of course Grandpa! ::gasp::

Grandpa: In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags. You are the authors of your failed destiny!

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