Christmas Series "Joy" 12/10/2023

1 year ago

Lord willing over the next few weeks we are going to look at the story of the birth of our Savior…and unwrap the following gifts we have in Him:
Love, Joy, Peace, Holiness, and Hope.
We unwrapped the gift of love last week.
Lord willing, we will celebrate our Christmas service on December 24th with a message on Holiness…something that is missing in the church today.
And Lord willing…our series will culminate on New Years Eve, December 31st with a message of Hope.
Along with this series of messages we will be extending worship and adding more and more Christmas songs to the list throughout the month of December.
So, I hope that you can be with us throughout the remainder of this month and not miss any of the messages.
Let’s dig into our second message in this series…Joy!
Jesus came that first Christmas morning…and with Him…came joy to the world.
For the people of Israel that night in Bethlehem it meant that God had broken the silence by coming to earth in the flesh.
You see…from the last word of God spoke through His prophet Malachi up to the coming of John the Babtist…who was born to prepare the way for the Messiah…
There had been 400 yrs. of silence…where the people did not hear from God through a prophet.
To hear that on this day…a Savior was born…who is Christ the Lord…was news to rejoice about indeed…
The silence had been broken…God would speak through His Son.

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