6 months ago

We ask and command for every iota of negative experience imprinted upon us in our childhood, for anything less than goodness and worthiness and purity of spirit and love to be burnt-out of us with that kind of light.
( Later this evening after this video, she and I experience deep healing and release as we are able to talk and hug and soothe as we haven’t for two decades since she was kidnapped by her father. The healing we did is palpable, and I feel truly blessed to be able to experience such depth of grace for both of us. )

Things are ‘hotting up’. describing how I love to scroll through my friends’ feed on fb in order to test the temperature….
I saw a vision suggestion, of a huge sun ( our true central sun), from which to absorb the light and gifts of spirit.
Today I awoke feeling ‘awful’ - flat, dispirited- the universe conspiring to bring events together so that we can process things.
Today the theme is VALUE:
We have the sense of value within us and we have the sense of value given to us from our outside world.

I taught myself to love ‘EXTRA’ into my family in order to keep them a little happier. I learned how to give more than I received.
I got myself into servitude mode in order to try to kick-start better energy in my environment- I explain this pattern- many of you may know this. Many of us are not so good at receiving love in this topsy-turvy world.

My aim today is to soothe, nurture and heal that hard-working child, going in and healing her. I have a trigger today, which MAKES me go in and heal this inner child.
7.14 I work with Kari who as a sagittarius is also suffering today and we go in and repair the inner child through a meditation-healing.

9.35 We listen to a song of mine ( from the album Truth Telling ) to enable us to be in a specific space to receive healing for our inner child.

14.44 We both have the same reaction on receiving a specific image for our childhood to use as a spring-point’ for repair. We each got a seeming-insignificant image snapshot from our childhood. I ask Kari to identify an additional one and we see the themes embedded within- each theme carefully curated by our inner being to illustrate the tenet of the damage inflicted which caused the de-valuing.

It is beautiful to see how our Spirits give us precisely the information we need to understand and then heal energetically our past trauma in order to move into more love.

22.22 We take these two experiences and bring that version of us as children into the meadow of the meditation with our adult selves and absorb the love from this Source-Energy sun into us to allow for utter transformation of the injury.

We ask and command for every iota of negative experience imprinted upon us in our childhood, for anything less than goodness and worthiness and purity of spirit and love to be burnt-out of us with that kind of light.
24.14 We enter the meadow on the count of three and turn to face the full brightness, where we experience a complete washing-through to clear our inner selves. We see every moment of our childhood, where we were diminished to appear as many many children around us, all absorbing and becoming re-polarised into healing. rising up and lifting into the wholeness of our spirit, no longer holding shreds or remnants of pain and degradation. Going into our self in a formation OF light.
27.16 I receive a message from my brilliant adult daughter, which synchronistically becomes a part of our session: we both take a hand each of my daughter and invite her too to leave behind the pain inflicted upon and within her.
( Later this evening after this video, she and I experience deep healing and release as we are able to talk and hug and soothe as we haven’t for two decades since she was kidnapped by her father. The healing we did is palpable, and I feel truly blessed to be able to experience such depth of grace for both of us. )
33.00 We go on to see how the world out there is simply the reflection of what depredations and insults and rejection we received from our parents- not even blaming our parents as they too were subjected to unhealed parents. We however, choose different, we choose to be healed parents to project forward into the next seven generations….it’s time to be love, love, love and love what couldn’t be loved….

39.00 Part two, moving energy and releasing more from earlier…

sometimes we need to spend some more time with these processes. I use commands and sound to fully release.
Please do

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :
Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address
37365 is the destination tag

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