U.S.A.INC Holo.caust Reparations and Hostage Act

1 year ago

U.S.A. INC operates the biggest Child Traffic and Genocide-by-Guardian Rackets in the world to sell our children and loot multi-trillions of the assets of our American families and taxpayers Just as Germany pays massive reparations for the Na.zi Holocaust, so too U.S.A. INC must pay multi-trillions in reparations and release our children, mothers and fathers who have been kidnapped and are held hostage in this U.S.A. INC Holocaust. We are serving a Multi-trillion dollar Reparations and Hostage Rescue and Release Act on the corporate shareholders running our country and demand immediate affirmation of this Act and Funding and Rescue. This video explains the U.S.A INC trafficking rackets and the Reparations and Hostage Rescue and Release Act.

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