Converte nos Deus †🕊 †

6 months ago

Songs: Clamavi De Profundis, Haec Dies, Song of Kings.
Harry lightfoot, The Stars Align.
Deus Maiestatis - The God of Majesty

Intonuit - hath thundered.

Aferte gloriam - Bring glory
Nomini Eius - to His Name

Rex meus - My King
Et Deus - And God

Rex meus - My King
Deus meus - And my God

Intende - Incline
Exaudi - To hear

Orationem meam - My prayer
Converte - Convert us,
Nos Deus - O God
Averte iram Tuam - Turn away Thine anger

Rex meus - My King
Et Deus - And God

Rex meus - My King
Deus meus - And my God

Beata - Blessed
Maria - Maria
Salve Regina mea - Hail, O my Queen

Rex meus - My King
Et Deus - And God

Rex meus - My King
Deus meus - And my God

Intende - Incline
Exaudi - To hear

Orationem meam - My prayer
Paratum - Ready is

Cor Meum - My heart
Cantabo - I will sing;

psalmum dicam - a psalm will I rehearse

Afferte - Bring
Honorem - Honor
Domino Maiestatis - To the Lord of Majesty

Converte - Convert us,
Nos Deus - O God

O Salutaris noster - O our Saviour

Rex meus - My King
Et Deus - And God

Rex meus - My King
Deus noster - And our God

Laudate - Praise
Rex noster - Our King

Angeli - Angels (and)
Archangeli - Archangels

Afferte - Bring
Honorem - Honor

Domino Maiestatis - To the Lord of Majesty

Laudemus - Let us praise
Oremus - Let us pray

Gloria - Glory
Alleluia - Alleluia

Venite - Come
Videte - See

Rex Noster Our King
Alleluia Alleluia

Rex meus - My King
Et Deus - And God

Rex meus - My King
Deus noster - And our God
"Let not thy peace depend upon the word of men; for whether they judge well or ill of thee, thou art not therefore any other man than thyself. Where is true peace or true glory? Is it not In Me? And he who seeketh Not to please men, Nor feareth to displease, shall enjoy abundant Peace. From inordinate love and vain fear ariseth all disquietude of heart, and all distraction of the senses." ~ "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a Kempis, Canon Regular Saint Augustine.

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