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What went wrong in Estonia?

1 year ago

Estonia gained independence from the USSR on August 20, 1991, although the communist elite managed to infiltrate and masquerade as freedom fighters.
One of those who held a high position in Estonia was Siim Kallas, a communist who was ruthless in his career. Kallas became the President of the Bank of Estonia. He is a significant personality because he was accused of defrauding 10 million dollars from Russian banks but was never convicted.
He used this money to create a new pro-EU and liberal party called the Reform Party. Remarkably, he has been the prime minister of Estonia and the EU Commissioner for Administrative Affairs, Audit, and Anti-Fraud.

Why is this all important? In 2004, with a massive PR campaign, Estonia joined the European Union, and in 2005, Estonia implemented internet voting. From that time, the Reform Party never lost any election again. Estonian e-voting is made by George Soros-friendly Venezuelan company Smartmatic. Smartmatic is "famous" all over the world.

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