Post-COVID psychiatric issues and treatment with Dr. Amanda McDonald

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🌟Dr. Amanda McDonald is a psychiatrist specializing in post-COVID psychiatric issues. She is known for her unique approach to treating patients and her focus on the role of inflammation in mental health.🌟
👨‍⚕️ Dr. McDonald is the founder of Sarasota Psychiatric Services and is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to her patients. 🦠💪 Dr. Amanda McDonald shares her journey into psychiatry and her focus on post-COVID psychiatric issues. She discusses her use of higher doses of ivermectin and the positive impact it has had on her patients. Dr. McDonald emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to mental health and considering the role of inflammation in psychiatric symptoms. She also explores the use of other therapies, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and chelation therapy, in her practice.🙌💊
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