Texit Now - Going Full English with Graham Moore.

1 year ago

Texit Now - Going Full English with Graham Moore.

Across the pond the fairy-tale of a federal republic is not working out for the United 'Independent' States of America. Texas is pushing for its own referendum on leaving the Union, Daniel Miller, President of the Texas Nationalist Movement, believes he has the votes to secede. If Texas is successful, then will other states follow?

All the best to him for challenging the globalist paradigm.

Over here in Blighty, with our corrupt politicians, and corrupt judiciary, attacks on free speech and an Englishman's inalienable human rights, gather in momentum. We no longer have free speech.

It may be countries like Russia or the USA that will have to intervene for justice to be served, when our justice system is not fair, unbiased, or transparent.

Graham Moore discusses all this along with Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Darts, and if there is hope for the future. Of course there is.

The English Constitution is the only Solution

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