Alex Jones told Joe Rogan about Epstein Island long before it was public knowledge

1 year ago

Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on Federal charges of sex trafficking of minors in July 2019.

But Alex Jones told Joe Rogan about Epstein Island long before it was public knowledge.

Joe thought Alex was crazy, but he was right:

"This is the guy that was telling me about Epstein's Island f**king a decade ago, at least ... And not only is it true, but people keep getting f**king murdered for it."

Video via @ChiefNerd (give him a follow)

Alex Jones has recently made some new predictions, and they are chilling, to say the least. Article below:

Protect you and your family from the deadly spike protein:

Don't get caught unprepared for the 'next pandemic':

Stock up on mRNA-free beef from a freedom-loving former marine:

Protect your wealth from Bidenflation and economic uncertainty:

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