Todays screen exercise and record for the future.

9 months ago

With a new 2TB men stick coming I can selth theraise to my hearts content.
What I leave is a true account and understanding from my years chasing the shadows in Plato's cave and becoming obsessed with the 4th wall that was the ruse awaiting those who escape the life ruse. And so the star trek game of multi-level chess began, but I was not yet aware that the levels were beyond my minds comprehension as every wee win became a rabbit hole and false light leading me away from my truths.

So here I am, an old fart offering his life out and inside both ruses, what this is for me, for me it is an eternal limbo, a prison of sorts that can only be escaped when the soul deems the spiritual self worthy.
And in this reality it is near impossible to escape sin and degradation of self. Even religious icons are monsters when researched or are of the system and cult with the same mask.
Anyroad, if owt helps, 'ave it!!
If anything here gets through to those I love, that'll do.

Much L❤ve


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