Americans Need to Watch Germany

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The show begins at 17:06.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on December 11, 2023. 

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[00:30] Trump the Autocrat (11 minutes)
This week’s media narrative is still that Donald Trump is an autocratic dictator who must be stopped, but polls show that their desperate efforts to convince the public are not working. Despite not participating in the Republican debates, Trump is now polling at 51 percent in Iowa—32 points higher than the next highest Republican candidate.

[11:30] The Coming United States of Europe (44 minutes)
Russia’s belligerent attack on Ukraine has made European nations very nervous. Bible prophecy indicates that a strong German leader will soon rise to lead a powerful alliance of 10 European nations or groups of nations. Events in Europe show that this prophecy is already in the early stages of fulfillment.

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