Fusion Doctrine: ‘Building A Culture Of Common Purpose Across Departments’ - UK Column News

8 months ago

Fusion Doctrine: ‘Building A Culture Of Common Purpose Across Departments’
Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-11th-december-2023
- Daily Mail: RAF intelligence officers joined Whitehall and Army in 'spying' on Covid lockdown critics—including David Davis and Peter Hitchens
- GOV.UK: National Security Capability Review—March 2018
- UK Column special news episode (2018): The Fusion Doctrine
- Metro: Armed Forces reveal what help they’ve given in fight against coronavirus
- GOV.UK: Fact Sheet 14: Military Aid to the Civil Authorities (MACA)
- UK Column interview: No Smoke Without Fire Part 5: PREVENTing a War on Domestic Terror in the United Kingdom?

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