Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 09 - My God Shall Supply - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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30 Days to Say – Day 9 – My God Shall Supply

Father God,
I come to You now in the name of Jesus.
I believe Your Word.
I believe it,
I receive it,
I act on it,
And that settles it.
Your Word is first and foremost in my life.
And Paul, writing to the church in Philippi,
Said, Father, that You supply all the people’s needs.
Lord, I receive that for me.
I’m a giver.
I’m a sower.
I’m a receiver,
And I’m a reaper.

Father, You show me where I can sow.
And You show me how to reap.
Father, thank You!
You show me where to give.
You show me how to receive.
The place to give
Is the same place to receive:
A place of obedience,
And being led by the Spirit
And a place of faith.

So when You speak to me,
To cause me to clearly see
Where I should sow my seed,
I hear You.
I know it’s You,
And I sow it into the kingdom for You, Father.
And because I sow—it doesn’t end there—
I also receive, in the name of Jesus.
I’m a professional giver and receiver.
Not a giver only.
I’m a giver AND receiver.
I follow Your laws of increase.
I follow the Bible’s laws of increase.
I know where to sow
Because He tells me.
And He leads me.
I know where to reap
Because He shows me,
And I believe Him,
I obey Him,
I’m led by Him,
And I have faith in Him.
I jump in, feet all the way,
Into God’s system of increase
Called giving and receiving.
I jump in
Because it is my right as a child of God
To live in this system of increase.
And because I am in the system of increase,
Of my Father,
I can boldly say:
My God shall supply all my need,
According to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

My God is my source.
My God is my supply.
My God supplies all I need.
I obey,
I’m led by the Spirit,
And I stay in faith.
And I sow,
And He shows me how to reap.
When I go to receive and reap,
My God shows me what to say.
He shows me WHERE to sow,
And what to say, that I might reap.
I’m a sower and a reaper,
I’m a giver and a receiver,
In the name of Jesus.
My God supplies all my needs.
Hallelujah, praise God.

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