Tikal - Transplanted Egyptian Elites

9 months ago

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This is fine Aryan stonework with astronomical alignments and built in calendars. The Pharaoh's headdress had the falcon and the cobra, so he would be called the feathered serpent by the natives of the New World, the bringer of civilization. Quetzalcoatl was the deification of a White elite from across the Atlantic. Kukulcan was the Mayan equivalent of Quetzalcoatl, the bearded White man from the east. The feathered headdress with serpent motifs at 8:40 is the same idea as the Pharaoh's headdress with falcon and cobra. Ancient Egypt was conquered by the Assyrians and Persians, so an escape to the New World is quite possible, bringing their pyramid tech and religion with them. This was a huge city for its time, likely influenced by the Teotihuacan culture. Both the Mayans and Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs. The coincidences are too many to ignore.

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