I believe in Tartaria because that's History, I don't believe Al Gore because that's nonsense

7 months ago

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CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen thinks it's time to mask up and get all the shots, just in case something happens ☠️

The site I used to add subtitles to clip : https://clideo.com/add-subtitles-to-video

Al Gore is still sure We're all going to die one way or the other even after all these years of listening to him be wrong, that the United States is doomed if Donald Trump is President, and that the internet needs to be controlled so people can't think for themselves 🤪

Tartaria was such a beautiful place full of hopes and dreams with only the imagination being the limit to what people could do, that was then and this is now, I vote We go back to then 😎

There might be people with "powers" that no one talks about and then the destruction is blamed on climate change because people will believe that easier 🤔

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