More Pre-trial Motions Expected in Miles Guo Case Before Dec. 15 Deadline

7 months ago

12/08/2023 【Miles’ Insight】Changdao Brother: Mr. Miles Guo and Ms. Wang Yanping's recent situation hasn't changed much, everything is fine. Most of their time is spent in meetings with lawyers. The deadline for filing pre-trial motions is December 15th, and there may be more motions filed before that date.
12/08/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:郭文贵先生与雁平女士的近况没有太大变化,一切安好。他们大部分时间都花在与律师会面上。12月15日是审前动议提出的截止日期,在那之前可能会有更多的动议出来。

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