Recent Large-Scale Power Outages in Xinjiang, Fujian, and Beijing Are a Test of Military Readiness

6 months ago

12/08/2023 【Miles’ Insight】Exclusive bombshell intelligence of the New Federal State of China: According to intelligence sources in China, there have been large-scale power outages in Fujian, Xinjiang, and Beijing, and their aim is to conduct tests for military readiness. Xi Jinping may attack Taiwan at any time , although he just told President Biden in San Francisco that he would not do so in 2027 and 2035.
12/08/2023 【Nicole看七哥】新中国联邦独家大爆料:据墙内情报来源消息,近期福建、新疆还有北京大规模停电,他们的目的是为了备战做测试。习近平随时可能进攻台湾,尽管他刚刚在旧金山告诉拜登总统,他在2027年和2035年不会打台湾。

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