This Miracle Drug Will Burn Fat And Exercise For You

6 years ago

Don’t sweat it and don’t get up, scientists are developing a pill that will exercise for you. AICAR is a new ‘miracle drug’ that tells your muscles you have been working out more than usual.

When you exercise enzymes notify your muscles when you are low on energy. Your muscles respond by burning fat to create more energy. AICAR replicates the fat burning process and no working is required. It also increases mitochondria in the body, which cover food into energy. Amazing right!

Tests on mice found that those given AICAR burned more calories than untreated mice. Of course, this drug isn’t meant to replace exercise. Doctors still prescribe healthy eating and active living. The compound was developed in the 90s to treat metabolic disorders and heart disease. Treated mice had double the stamina and blood sugar levels that were easier to control.

AICAR gives hope to those affected by diabetes, obesity, or physical disability. It is already in advanced human testing, but it may not be approved for several years. So until then, relax. Slow and steady wins the race!

If your daily workout consists of walking from the couch to the refrigerator, scientists might have a new exercise option for you. The prospect of a pill that burns fat and builds muscle, for many who don’t exactly enjoy exercise, sounds too good to be true. But scientists are working hard to make a sizeable breakthrough.

Just imagine never again having to sweat in the gym, face the indignity of a public yoga class, or puff around the park in a saggy tracksuit. There has never been an easy shortcut to losing weight and building muscle, it's always been a case of punishing yourself with a strict diet and intense exercise.

Such drugs could be just the tonic for couch potatoes. They hope the drugs will make our bodies burn off fat much faster, boost the strength of our hearts, develop powerful muscles and even improve blood-sugar levels to fend off diabetes. Miraculous drug alright!

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