Insect Numbers Are Decreasing By The Second And We Should All Be Very Worried

6 years ago

Before you cringe at the close-up photographs of the insects, give this information a shot. It is very important.

We all know that we are fighting a war against time to save our planet. Ecologists are warning us every day that our planet is dying, and it is all our fault. We hear stories about the rise of the ocean levels due to climate change, we read about PM10 and PM2.5 particles in the atmosphere, about floating islands of trash in the middle of our oceans, about holes in the ozone layer, about deforestation. But it doesn’t really get to us.

Civilization has grown a lot in the past few centuries. We’ve managed to evolve from being nomads to flocking just one place and creating traditions that last centuries. The new millennium found us living in concrete jungles, totally unaware of what is happening in the world around us. We hear the warnings but we don’t really understand what they mean. It almost looks like it’s happening to someone else living on a planet far, far away.

The expansion of humankind is inevitably the downfall of nature. We constantly tear down ecosystems so that we can build our own, eradicating whole species in the blink of an eye. The animals living in these areas are forced to live inside of our system, or perish.

It looks as though insects have managed to cohabit our systems for a while now. Although they might be a bit pesky, they are still a key element in our survival on Earth. We have lived in symbiosis, but apparently not for long. Recent research shows that the insect rates all over the world are dwindling down, and the main reason behind all of it - pollution. This wouldn’t mean much, except insects help us grow our food and without them we would be left without it. They are also able to fight bad plants and keep the natural balance in the world.

We hope this bit of information will help you understand how important it is to keep the planet clean, and next time you see a bee, instead of swatting at it, try shooing it away.

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