A Study of the Prophecy of the Last Great Earth War Daniel 11-12 地球最後の大戦の預言ダニエル11-12の研究

6 months ago

The world is filled with disturbing developments such as the Israeli-Hamas war in the Middle East, the top news in the world today. What are the causes? What is behind it? What is the future of the world? ... Let's read and understand from reliable Bible prophecies and find the light and hope that lies beyond the dark world.
今の世界のトップニュース、中東のイスラエル・ハマス戦争など不穏な動きが世に満ちてきています。原因は?背後にあるものは?行く末はどうなるのか?… 確実な聖書の預言から読み解き、暗い世の先にある光、希望を見い出しましょう。
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Youtube: https://youtu.be/LmWp7GZyguY

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