MR. NON-PC - They Took Medical Advice From Total Dopes!

7 months ago

You know yours truly, MR. NON-PC never took those toxic waste shots. And I surely wouldn't take medical advice from TOTAL DOPES!

And let's not forget both Trump and Biden BOTH did their part to push the Easy Bake Oven Vaccines. Both sides too (right and left) all had their favorite dopes like: Sean Hannity, Anderson Cooper, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel!

Who the hell would take medical advice from any of these dopes!??

Remember too how Rachel Maddow (another DOPE) was giving faulty medical advice?

Far too many people got fooled by their favorite dopes, who pushed a "vaccine" that was never a vaccine and NEVER WORKED!

It's long past time to admit the CovidCult was a total Bipartisan sham/scam/psyop the majority can't keep pretending.

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