Many areas in Communist China are already witnessing a gloomy economic downturn

1 year ago

12/7/2023 Many areas in Communist China are already witnessing a gloomy economic downturn. Stores and restaurants are closed down, streets have become eerily quiet, and factory buildings are abandoned, turning into no-man's land. How much longer can the CCP's bogus economic prosperity hold up?
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
12/7/2023 中共国各地出现经济大萧条的惨景。商铺餐馆关门,街道冷冷清清,工厂倒闭变成了无人区。中共的假擀面杖子经济还能撑多久?
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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