Twitter, now known as X, continues to enforce censorship and shadow banning on the NFSC's account!

10 months ago

12/9/2023 【Infiltration Files - LFA TV】Roy Guo: Twitter, now known as X, continues to enforce censorship and shadow banning on the NFSC's account! Grok, X's AI tool, has openly acknowledged and provided evidence, confirming the platform's use of filters to suppress our account and the content we share, hindering the spread of the truth we aim to convey.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #Grok
12/9/2023 【渗透档案】罗伊:推特,也就是现在的X,依然对新中国联邦的账号实施着网络审查和秘密屏蔽!X的AI工具Grok自己就向我们承认并提供了多个例证,证明X平台使用过滤器对我们的账号以及发布的内容进行审查,导致我们努力传播的真相被打压。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #X

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