Trump's 2025 Presidential Throne

8 months ago

Uvalde Shooting 911 coordinates.
Trump 911 months old during both Buffalo Shooting and Uvalde Shooting.
Colorado Springs Shooting just took place on 19th date 11th month

Trump 6/14/1946-Colorado Springs Shooting 11/19/2022.
Separation of 5 months 1 day between 76 years. Illuminati 5176

Trump's Announced his run-11/15/2022-Colorado Springs Shooting 11/19/2022. Separation of 576 in minutes. 1 week. Illuminati 5176

Presidential Dog and Pony Show is 11/5/2024

1/20/2017-Trump took office. 11/15/2022.
Separation of 51,000 hours. Illuminati 5/1

6/14/1946-11/15/2022. Separation is 5 months between 1 day between and 76 years. Illuminati 5/1/76. 46 days left in year.
Trump born in 46

Ivana Trump died 714/2022. Separation is 18 weeks. (6+6+6).

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-11/15/2022. Separation 1115 days.

White House Construction 10/13/1792. 1 month 2 days between 230 years. Illuminati= 122, 120. 2016911 hours. Trump won 2016. 147 in minutes. Ivana Trump died 714. (7+7).

White House opened 11/1/1800-11/15/2022.
Separation of 1946 hours. Trump was born in 1946.
222 years. nineteen forty-six= 222.

Illuminati 5/1/1776-11/15/2022. Separation of 6 months 14 days between. Trump 614. 246 years. Freemasonry 624.
2161128 in hours. First 911 call 216.
AODruids found on 11/28. 666 in minutes.

Trump left office 1/20/2020-11/15/2022. Separation of 147 weeks. Ivana Trump magically died 14th date of 7th month. 33 months.
Trump= 33 Degree Freemason. 1030 days. The Satanic Bible= 130.

Trilateral Commission 7/23/1972-11/15/2022.
Separation of 777 in seconds.

Church of Satan 4/30/1966. 11/15/2022.
Separation of 56 years 6 months 16 days

Trump announced on 11/15/2022-2024 selection-11/5/2024.
Separation of 721 days. (7+7+7). 1 year 11-month between.
Trump is from New York= 111).

Buffalo Shooting 5/14/2022-11/15/2022. 185 days.
Donald John Trump= 185

Uvalde Shooting 5/24/2022-11/15/2022. Separation of 15,120 seconds. Illuminati= 120. Trump announced on 15th date again. Illuminati found 1st day of 5th month.
175 days. Freemasonry found on 175th day of year.
5 months 22 days between. (2+2= 4). Uvalde Shooting 5/24.

Do we smell the wood burning yet??
The burn smell is real. The Numbers are Magic its supposed to be the other way around.

Highland Park Shooting 7/4/2022-11/15/2022.
Separation of 511776 in seconds. Illuminati 5/1/1776.
19 weeks 11 days bet ween. 216 in hours. First 911 call 216
Trump selected in 2024. Takes office in 2025

America 7/4/1776-11/15/2022.
Separation of 2015 and 2017 in seconds
Trump first announced his run in 2015 became the 45th president in 2017. 31 in seconds. 6+1+4+1+9+4+6= 31). 246 years. Freemasonry 624.
2956 months.

(2+9= 11). Donald= 56. 2025 in minutes. Takes office in 2025

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