Exodus: GOD brings Israel from bondage in Egypt

1 year ago

EXODUS: GOD BRINGS ISRAEL FROM BONDAGE IN EGYPT TO FREEDOM TO SERVE HIM In Genesis we began learning of the God who created all things and the beginning of history. Genesis began to reveal to us His purposes and plan for creation. We also were given a view into the future as He deals with sin, promises a Savior and manages His own people through His law forming and keeping covenants.
We covered the unfolding of His plan for the first people for Himself, Israel, and leave Genesis with these twelve tribes firmly planted and growing in the land of Egypt.

In this lesson we open the book of Exodus. The word Exodus in Hebrew means “the outgoing” and this book covers Israel being prepared, and released from severe bondage in Egypt to embarking on their miraculous journey with their God toward their own land as His own possession. We learn the beginning of their unique and peculiar history as they leave Egypt, now as a nation.

For reference, Genesis covers the period from about 4004 B.C. (the creation of the world) to the death of Joseph in 1805 B.C., a period of 2,199 years. Enjoy as we move into this next rich book of the history of this age.

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