Alex Jones Verdict Pt 2.

1 year ago

Prison Stocks
Geo Group started as Wackenhut Corporation located at
4200 Wackenhut. Alex Jones born on 42nd day

Geo Group-12/15/1984-10/12/2022-Alex Jones verdict. Separation of 815 in days. Jesuits 815. 1974 weeks. Alex Jones was born in 1974

America Foundation
America 7/4/1776-10/12/2022. Separation 246 years. Freemasonry 624.
777 in seconds. Alex Jones was born in 1974.

Austin Texas 12/27/1839-10/12/2022. Separation of 66764 within days.
Alex Jones born in 74. 614 in minutes. The King of 614.

10122022/111= 91189.3873874. Alex Jones born in 74

The King
Trump 6/14/1946-10/12/2022. 666 within seconds.
Alex Jones said he support on 8/17/2022-10/12/2022.
Separation of 56 days. Trump= 5 letters. Donald= 6 letters.

12/2/2015. Illuminati found 122nd day. Alex Jones gets support from Trump. 10/12/2022. Separation of 10 months 10 days between. Verdict= 10th month.

8/14/2018-Alex Jones Criticizes Trump for Syria Strikes-10/12/2022.
Separation of 888 in minutes. Trump= 88. Info Wars= 8 letters.

3/2/2021. Skull and Bones 322. Trump net worth $3.22B. Alex Jones video leak of him saying he wish he never met Trump. 10/12/2022. Separation of 136 hours.
Info Wars started on 361. 88 in seconds. 88 contained in minutes. Trump= 88
Info Wars= 8 letters.

8/22/2022-Alex Jones begs Trump to forgive him-10/12/2022.
Separation of 1 month 20 days between. Illuminati= 120. 122 in hours.
Illuminati found 122nd day.

Secret Societies
Illuminati 5/1/1776-10/12/2022. Separation of 246 years. Freemasonry 624
5 months 11 days between. Illuminati= 5/1. 7777 in seconds.
Sandy Hook Shooting has 777 coordinates.

10/12/2022/333= 30396.4624625. Freemasonry 624.
10/12/2022/963= 10510.9262721. 10th month. Illuminati 5/1. 5ft10

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