1 year ago

05:21 stream starts with technical difficulties.
After fixing the technical difficulties DJ Axle and Daiymo start off the stream by making a reasonable and justified demand of Matthew Vickers, $2,000 to stop reading the diary (Personally I think it should have been more).
12:38 DJ Axle and Daiymo call out Perspicacity and the "Writers Room" cabal for being the court eunuchs of Godwinson and stopping him from doing the stream about the diary.
15:27 The two bring up some peculiar reviews of Matthew Vickers' coin shop, claiming that Vickers has an ear piercing air whistle (aka a train whistle) which he will blow if a customer suggests a price for the coins that Vickers doesn't find satisfactory (aka when the customer refuses to be ripped off).
23:15 Diary reading start.
33:34 We learn that Matthew Vickers has been calling Daiymo's mother over Internet drama.
41:20 King of POL, aka Bryan Dunn, shows up on an alt in chat to flex their Internet lawyer degree, claiming Daiymo and Axle are violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) because the diary is somehow a medical document.
1:03:10 Ethan Ralph whimpering
2:43:34 Supposed miscarriage

The time stamps are sparse not because nothing happens in the stream, but the topic is Faith's diary, which other than a few sections is rather unremarkable (notice how few of the time stamps are actually related to the diary itself). The Daiymo and Axle do manage to make the stream entertaining throughout. I particularly found it funny how it annoyed Kiwis that they were "extorting" Vickers and were intentionally being slow to read the diary.

Original upload date: 25th June 2022

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