So Benjamin Netanyahu's own son's dna test...

1 year ago

So Benjamin Netanyahu's own son's dna test confirms him to be an estimated 96% of Polish_Russian_German descent... with the remaining 3 to 4% dna of 'other' types which possibly contain the remnants of the Israelites.

Not being anybodies judge ... but the Roman/Khazarian conspiracy of ages, having utterly decimated the true Israelites over a 500 year African Holocaust whilst running the remaining blood of Israel out of Palestine ... and all under the banner of 'God's chosen people' is just about the ultimate blasphemy which, if I was God.... I'd be looking to make them pay real dearly for.... just saying.

As for European Germans putting other European Germans (of the jewish religion) in gas chambers , or European Zionists 'israelis' force-'vaccinating' their own European 'Israeli' Jewish population .... it seems it's the same regime, different day.

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