25 岁的成年穆斯林男子,要娶10岁的小女孩为妻

1 year ago

A 25-year-old adult Muslim man wants to marry a 10-year-old girl. He had "fallen in love" with the 8-year-old two years earlier. He has asked her parents for her hand in marriage and has withdrawn the little girl from 3rd grade. This is all legal in Muslim doctrine!

25 岁的成年穆斯林男子,要娶10岁的小女孩为妻。他在两年前就“爱上了” 8 岁的她。他向她的父母提亲,已经让小学3年级的小女孩退学。在穆斯林的教义里,这一切都是合法的!

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