Article 4446 Video - Israel, Inc., the British Territorial Corp...and So What? By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4446 Video - Israel, Inc., the British Territorial Corp...and So What? - Monday, October 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The last two days my desk has been awash with Henny-Penny doomsday predictions centered around the idea that the end of Israel, the nation-state, is predicated on the end of the Balfour Declaration --- that is, the end of the British Territorial Protectorate.

The end of Israel, Inc., and the end of the hoary Protectorate both signal the end of the British Raj in "Palestine".

Though many people need to remember this common fact, you can reach the air jurisdiction by either land or sea.

The sun setting of the sea-going British Crown corporation calling itself, "Israel, Inc.", opens up the possibility that Israel will begin lawful (land to air) commerce and put an end to its dependency on the British Raj and the duplicitous, violent, hypocritical form of colonial government that supports it.

In other words, the end of Israel, Inc. is good news.
It's not the end of the world. It's the beginning of a whole new opportunity for people to live at peace and self-govern.

Pause a moment. Take a deep breath. Many generations of people have waited for this time to come.
As of tomorrow, All Hallow's Eve, as we remember our loved ones who have died, we will have cause to celebrate new life and hope.

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