Article 4443 Video - Dear Teri, All Coordinators, and Everyone Else By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4443 Video - Dear Teri, All Coordinators, and Everyone Else - Sunday, October 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

I think there has been a considerable liberty taken in interpreting my description of TACT as a "consultative group". By that I mean that it is a group of consultants willing to be consulted about their respective expertise--- not that TACT has any separate individual group authority to manage our business "for" us, now or ever.

I also think that the idea of "international trespass" is woefully misapplied in the context of a supposedly free discussion forum among assembly members who are participating from all fifty States. When you leave the narrow confines of your own State Assembly emails and forums, you are understood to be entering the wider world and must expect to join the discussion on an equal, but not at all superior, footing.

Nobody in international jurisdiction is going to show you any respect that you fail to give them in return.

I also think you've got the structure of things all wrong.

The Coordinators are not CEOs and they are not a government unto themselves.

All of them taken together are individuals who are supposed to be working cooperatively with the State Assemblies and the Federation to build the Four Pillars and get their State Assembly properly populated and organized. That is their only job and should be their only focus.

There is no role granted to-- or even implied-- for Coordinators to make legal or lawful determinations about the international crime of trespass, and to my knowledge there isn't a single Coordinator sufficiently trained in international law to make such a determination.

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