Big Change Angels Energy Vlog

10 months ago

Big Change Angels Energy Vlog title is from the date and my ramble on angels . we start with December 9,2023, thus we have 28 then #10 the Wheel of foturen card with big change rolling in on that wheel. we are speaking about Karmic change. My Ramble was based on a video by Jean-Claude and Tarot by Janine called Angels and the great dispassion.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure shows an amplitude of 10 at 8:30 AM UTC thus we have the Justice pushing the wheel of fortune with its karmic change as justice decrees. the quality power was 11.7 thus we went with 18 The Moon toi read the daily ploanetary guide for today we have a Scorpio Moon and Venus In Scope teaming up in a double team of feminin energies to transit to and fro. The frequency average was 7.71 hertz thus we have #15 the Devil card in these details. the card is about lies obsessions and addiction this is how the devil entraps us also through our greed. When we look at it all we can say The wheel of Fortune rolls up under a Scorpio Moon to crush The Devil with his own karmic debt.

I shared a clip from the rumble video by Tarot by Janine and Jean-Claude on Angels:

Space Weather News site showed us a solar wind density of 6 protons a wind speed of 400 (KPS). The Solar wind temperature was at 100,000 Kelvin so pipping hot one could say. The Kp index of Geomagnetic activity startedout really low like zero for the first six hours of the UTC Day its highest level was One leaving open to cosmic rays of and on through out the day.

I selected The Divine Abundance oracle deck to pull cards from. They were the Divine abundance card and Ease card the first tells us to be the abundance not chyase it sound advice the second repeats the Mantra It is easy for me to receive repeat three times please!
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure Site:
SpaceWeather News Site:

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