What the industrial man is doing, is murdering the life support systems.

1 year ago

I know humanity is not living in balance with nature.
It's not happening and actually it's more than a little, its out of balance.
Humanity is actually at this point almost going against nature.
What the industrial man is doing is murdering the life support systems, water, air murdering the life that gives us the ability to have life.
And i think there is a small percentage of humans driving this that are behind this.
I need you to think not believe, think.
Belief is what they count on you to do, as well as trust them and faith in them.
A group of industrialists (I.G Farben) Max Warburg Germany and America Standard Oil Company and Trust John D. Rockefeller and associates.
had meetings before 1914 world war 1. Think about that.
How much trust can you give, till they have no liability.
Because that is exactly what was done.
What was done for the federal reserve. Think about that.

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