All Things Spiritual-Bait and Switch

1 year ago

The serpent warned the woman that she would not eat the fruit of the tree, but she ate it and gave it to her husband. The eyes of the woman and their husband opened, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. The voice of the LORD God walking in the garden led Adam and Eve to hide from the presence of the LORD God among the trees. This bait and switch occurred when Satan used the statement to draw Adam and Eve into sin, which proved fatal to them. Jesus used the word serpent in Matthew 10:16 to instruct His disciples and us in how to behave in ministry. Jesus warned them that they were being sent out "like sheep among wolves," and the world was hostile to believers. To advance the kingdom of God effectively without becoming predatory ourselves, Jesus taught His followers to combine the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove. The serpent was subtle, crafty, and shrewd, while the dove was considered innocent and harmless.

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