The poignant story behind a scavenging elderly person in Communist China

1 year ago

12/5/2023 The poignant story behind a scavenging elderly person in Communist China. In an online video, a netizen encountered a senior scavenging man pushing a broken bicycle in Nanping, Fujian. Due to his son accumulating a massive debt, rendering him unable to support his father, the elderly man was evicted from his home. Left with no choice, the elderly man relied on the money earned from collecting junk to buy instant noodles. This scavenging elderly person is a stark portrayal of the reality of the CCP's economic collapse and its toxic impact on Chinese families.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
12/5/2023 中共国一名拾荒老人背后的心酸。网传视频显示,网友在福建南平遇到了一位推着破旧的自行车的拾荒老人,他的儿子因欠下巨额债务而无法赡养他,便将其赶出家门,老人只能靠捡破烂换来的钱买方便面充饥。这位拾荒老人正是中共经济崩溃和红毒异化中国家庭的真实写照。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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