YouTube Removed My Video Because I Said One Sentence: Covid Vaccine Kills & Maims

7 months ago

I posted a podcast before I went to the dentist about how illegitimate Joe is the dictator, not Trump. And when I was l mentioning all the ways Joe the dictator kills Americans, I mentioned that the covid vaccine kills and maims. As soon as I got home from the dentist, YouTube already removed my video. They gave me a strike/warning and made me take a training session. It was pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I recorded it.

The training session said, and I quote: "YouTube doesn't allow content that poses egregious harm by spreading misinformation about currently administered vaccines that are approved and confirmed to be safe and effective by local health authorities and by the World Health Organization (WHO)."

They also made me take a 7 question multiple choice test. Looking back, I wish I would have waited a few hours before taking this training session which I can NOT get access to again. Because the left side of my face was still numb from the dentist. So please excuse how fast I read, any slurs, and that I was trying to hide.

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