Article 4438 Video - Hold the Train! --- "War President"? By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4438 Video - Hold the Train! --- "War President"? - Saturday, October 28, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Joe Biden is the "President" of a corporation, not a country.

He has no ability to declare war and isn't occupying the Office of Commander in Chief, so what does he do?

He tries to create an unheard of and non-existent office for himself: "War President".

There is no such thing.

The only kind of "war" a corporation can engage in is a mercenary conflict, and those are illegal.

So what-cha-gonna-do, Joe?

We already have the Municipal Congress playing at proxy war in Ukraine and now they want to start a hot war in Israel.

Time to back off and sit down, boys.

We have proof and precedent demonstrating that the Draft is illegal and unlawful: it is forced conscription on land and press-ganging at sea.

That's one of the good end results of the "Vietnam Conflict".

The Draft was very quietly brought to an end, not because Congress wanted to end it, but because it is illegal and unlawful and has been for 200 years.

There was certainly no public announcement telling the military and the over 100,000 grieving parents, but yes, the Draft was already illegal and unlawful during the Second World War and Korea and Vietnam and it would be illegal now, too.

So don't even start.

There is also nothing in the Constitutional agreements allowing any version of Congress to do anything but protect our persons from unlawful arrest and bills of attainder -- the Draft, included.

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