A brief presentation of The Way Of Strongwillism a philosophy of life.

9 months ago

All understanding builds upon the notion of something that exists.
There is always a first formation, a foundation, an entry point,
a center and source,
upon which the totality of an understanding rests.

Nothingness does not exist, not even the mind’s imagination is capable
of depicting nothing. The number 0 must never be confused by nothingness,
the number 0 represent no amount of a’ something and is always
in reference to a count.

Postulates, theorems, references and definition must be woven together
so that the construction of thoughts that need progress can be
elucidated and formulated.

Postulate Ah’

The first postulate of The Way Of Strongwillism states:

“Everything physical has a relationship to everything else.”

Physical space is unlimited because any constellation of matter can
only exist if it has a relationship to what is below, is above,
is behind, is in front, is to the left and is to the right of said
constellation of matter.

There can be no gaps, so focus!

In empty physical vacuum space, there is nothing that can create a
conflict with a' something and as a consequence generate resistance.

It is not physically possible to create an empty physical vacuum space
because resistance is what forms the fabric of raw physical space.
Without resistance of some kind, there is nothingness.

“Nothing is greater than love”.

while love is the greatest force in existence, the understanding that
nothing is greater must be grasped.

Without the ability to subjectively understand a’ something,
there is no individual awareness. The sense of self is the key factor
of becoming conscious at a subjective level.

As a human, the ability to cultivate consciousness,
purposely is available. It’s one of the perks by having
a subjective consciousness as opposed to collective consciousness,
as much life in this world entertain.

The Way Of Strongwillism seeks to cultivate and expand the subjective
consciousness of an individual.

It aims to remove misconceptions and limitations within an individual’s
understanding and anchor it to true and factual information.
To purge corrupt elements in an individual’s consciousness, the desire
to nurture and develop into the unique, strong and harmonious
individual that one is capable of being, is a self-motivating factor
that should be present.

Consciousness is the process by which a biological construct processes
information related to the perceived environment and experience a
choice regarding action in reference to this information.

The ability to perceive the physical construction one currently
inhabits and distinguish between it and other similar biological
constructions is what distinguishes species that are subjected to
collective responsive processing and those that are exposed to
subjective response processes.

Whenever the condition of subjective responsive processing is dominant,
the mental formulates a self.

The human self begins to take shape at birth, when the infant is
separated from the symbiosis of the mother.

When exposed to subjective response processing of information,
the physiological as well as the psychological needs are perceived
within a single mind.

This mental state is within The Way Of Strongwillism referred to
as Ih'.

Each grain of information builds fragments of understanding that form
bricks of knowledge which lay the foundation for the path to ascension.

The teachings of The Way Of Strongwillism will indefinitely change the
lives of all who proceeds.
It is the way of existence itself, it is the true understanding of
creation and it will permanently define those brave enough to dare to try to master its ways.

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