CAFOs, Glyphosate, GMO Corns, Antibiotics, Gluten Allergy, etc.

1 year ago

The meat and fish you find in stores often come from animals raised in CAFOs, which is the acronym for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. CAFOs are industrialized facilities designed for profit, where animals are deliberately raised to be overweight. A whopping 90% of their diet is made up of GMO corn, which contains active glyphosate, a potentially harmful chemical that may contribute to organ failures in these animals.

To prevent these animals from falling ill before they're slaughtered, farmers add antibiotics to their feed. Interestingly, a significant 80% of antibiotics produced in the USA are used on farm-raised animals. This means that when you consume animal products, you're not just getting meat; you're introducing glyphosate and antibiotics into your body, along with chemical substances like iron and minerals chemically bonded to glyphosate.

Shifting gears to wheat, about 70% of wheat in the USA is sprayed with Roundup two weeks before harvest to ensure even drying. This begs the question: Could gluten allergies and Celiac disease be misinterpreted reactions to Roundup or glyphosate rather than gluten itself? Could it be that gluten allergies only emerged after the invention of Roundup by Monsanto?

Unfortunately, there's more to this story. The next segment will delve into a more significant issue that you may not be aware of but is crucial to understand. Stay tuned for the next episode.

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