Retard who thought natural selection was meant for the unvaccinated ends him for being vaccinated

6 months ago

Here we have it with another vaccinated dipshit who is thankfully dead now. This retard by the name of Erik De Waal thought that the concept of social darwinism applied to the unvaccinated for refusing to kill themselves with the clotshot. Wow, what an idiot. Of course he was given the false perception from the government due to brainwashing him that he was "smart" for getting the vaccine but the truth is, he couldn't have been dumber if he tried. You see, the government is pure evil, not only for brainwashing idiots, but also weaponizing them by manipulating them into shaming us purebloods. How are they convinced to do this? By consuming the propaganda from the government. The unvaccinated will always be wrongfully and falsely portrayed as "idiots" on television when the real idiots are the vaccinated who were basically tricked into killing themselves for the great reset. They use their brainwashed sheep to their advantage to apply enough societal peer pressure to those who refuse to take the clotshot so that they would eventually get the shots. Most will cave in, but some never will, myself included. I will never take the vaccine and neither should you. No amount of wrongful shaming from these vaccinated retards is worth sacrificing your life for. Don't listen to these idiots. They don't deserve to be taken seriously.

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