Alex Jones and Tucker discuss Depopulation Agendas of Cabal 3 mins

6 months ago

EVERYONE NEEDS TO LISTEN to what Alex Jones lays out here & focus on the absolutely CHILLING ramifications of what he is saying. 🚨🚨🚨

“The earth is being put into a countdown collapse right now…They want to bring the world population down to 500 million…Elon Musk is right and a hero for pointing out if you don’t have a 2.1 children…replacement rate, society collapses.”

According to WEF & UN white papers…

“We will have a post-industrial world by 2030.”

“We will have NO personal cars by 2030.”

“We will be eating bugs by 2030.”

“We will start the DEPOPULATION of 90% the people by 2045.”

When you look at this & you look at population data, the numbers DO NOT LIE.

There is a SERIOUS problem with the US, Japan, Italy & many other predominantly white countries NOT reproducing enough to sustain a viable culture & society. This is a MAJOR issue looking into the future another 20-30 years and beyond…

Replacement rates by country:

Japan: 1.3
Italy: 1.3
America: 1.6


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