Article 4433 Video - The Problem With Hate and the Justice Paradigm By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4433 Video - The Problem With Hate and the Justice Paradigm - Tuesday, October 24, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz
Article 4433 Video - The Problem With Hate and the Justice Paradigm By Anna Von Reitz

When we experience hate and contempt directed toward us, we naturally curl up in self-defense.

Science tells us that even our DNA curls up in exactly this manner, like a cat curling up in a tight little ball with tail tucked in.

We try to survive in this defensive mode, until we are convinced that we have to go on the offense to survive.

We do whatever seems to offer the best chance of survival in either case.

The problem is that whether we react defensively or offensively, we are still reacting instead of acting.

We are still coiled up, still restricted, still fearful. And this is a negative state of being in either case.

As we know from studying negative numbers, a negative plus a negative just results in a larger negative.

So it is with our natural instinctive response to hate and contempt. No matter what we do, the end result is negative -- whether we flee or we fight.

You may ask, what other choice do we have?

We can decide.

The enemies of mankind, selfish, sick, small-minded individuals who fear punishment for their crimes, wish to destroy the Earth. They wish to provoke the rest of us into helping them do this.

So they run "False Flags" and they hire mercenaries to do evil, and they manipulate stock markets and currency markets and they promote race baiting and victimhood and religious strife.

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