Noah's Ark New Evidence Reveals What Really Happened - MARYLINE ORCEL WORLD

7 months ago

Noah's Ark New Evidence Reveals What Really Happened
Noah's Ark New Evidence Reveals What Really Happened
Bible Stories
As you know, the account of Noah and the great flood is found in Genesis chapters 6 through 9. It tells how God was grieved by the wickedness of mankind and decided to send a purifying flood over the whole earth. But Noah, a righteous man, found favour in God's eyes. God instructed Noah to build a massive ark according to specific dimensions, with many compartments and rooms. This ark would save Noah, his family, and representative pairs of every animal species from the catastrophe to come.
Noah did all that God commanded. When the flood waters came as promised, the ark floated safely and securely, protecting its inhabitants. After many days, the waters receded, allowing the ark to come to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah, his family, and all the animals emerged from the ark to a new, cleansed world, and God made a covenant with Noah promising never again to destroy the earth by flood.
For years, sceptics have treated this account as mythical - nothing more than fable and legend. But recently, archaeologists may have uncovered new evidence validating the historical accuracy of this biblical story. According to Genesis 8:4, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat after the flood waters subsided. Well, aerial photography has revealed a large, rectangular structure buried on Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey. The dimensions of this discovery match exactly with the 300-cubit length by 50-cubit width described in Genesis 6:15.

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