Article 4430 Video - How (Mostly) Dead American Veterans Own the Fortune 500 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4430 Video - How (Mostly) Dead American Veterans Own the Fortune 500 - Monday, October 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

What happened is that as part of their reward for their service, the WWII Vets were given stock portfolios, mostly in the Fortune 500 companies, which allowed the government to buy controlling interest in those companies ---using the excuse that this investment in US stock companies was a gift from the grateful nation for the veterans coming home.

But, "legally" all these vets never returned home.

When they joined the service, their natural political status was changed to that of Federal U.S. Citizens, and when they were discharged and physically returned home, they remained in that foreign political status as U.S. Citizens and were presumed to be voluntarily remaining in that status even after they were discharged.

The bureaucrats simply took no follow-up action to return them to their original birthright political status, so they remained "at sea".

Of course, nobody told the vets about the change in their political service in the first place when they joined the service, and nobody instructed them about how to change back when they got out. The veterans just assumed that "Honorable Discharge" meant they were out of any Federal service obligation-- and accordingly, they never did anything to reclaim their birthright political status.

That circumstance left the WWII vets in Federal jurisdiction and presumed to be voluntarily accepting the political status of Federal civilians even after the war, and of course, the stock portfolios were only for Americans returning home from the war.

The WWII vets never, technically, returned home to their birthright jurisdiction on the land and soil, so that allowed the foreign British Territorial Corporation acting as a Subcontractor of our "government" to keep and manage the stock portfolios "for" them, until one by one they have died from various causes.

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